So you’re having your house built, but you hate ladders… That’s perfectly OK. We’re not expecting you to be up to your elbows in tiles and plastering – and to be honest, we’d rather you weren’t!
Your house – our building site
This is going to be your house, absolutely, and you have every right to have a say in the choices about colour, style, design, fittings, and the rest, but we’re not expecting you on-site with gloves on every day.
This is a workplace where there is dangerous machinery, heavy equipment and materials, and hidden hazards. So, while it is and always will be your house, right now, it’s our workplace, a construction site, and a dangerous place to be.
Health and Safety is key to running a building site, and we take our responsibilities very seriously, to our team, any subcontractors we may have onsite, the public, and of course to you, our client. Here is a quick run-down of some health and safety expectations, on a building site.
Planning a visit
Visits to site should ideally be pre-planned and arranged to coincide with times of least activity on site (e.g. avoid times where deliveries of materials are being made, when crane operations are taking place or heavy plant is being used/moving around site).
Please do not attempt to visit the site when we are not there, as you will trigger our security system, and could significantly injure yourself.
If you are not local, and are only able to grab a quick visit, let us know in advance, so we can schedule our day to be available to show you around safely.
Who can visit
Please be aware that we cannot guarantee level or clear walkways on site, and there are areas where temporary steps, ladders or other temporary features exist. If you are not agile enough to manage these, please exercise your judgement on where you go on site. We can show you around without having to use ladders, if necessary.
We understand that you may need to bring your children to site, for various reasons. Please be aware that children are not permitted to roam around the site, and must abide by all the safety rules, although we would prefer do not visit if possible. We will not babysit your children while you tour the site.
Pets must not be brought to the site, and we would need to work carefully with you in advance to ensure the safety of an assistance dog, if you need to bring one with you.
The whole group should stay together at all times on site, and remain with the person hosting you.
When you come to the site, expect an induction. You will be told the site’s safety rules, procedures and precautions. You should be chaperoned at all times whilst on site and not be permitted to wander freely around the site. This includes everyone with you.
Please do listen to the induction even if this is your tenth visit to site. Things will have changed since you were last here, we’re sure about that!
Site Access and Parking
Parking is usually very limited on, or near construction sites. Some parking may be available in the easement/compound area on the project. No parking is permitted within the site works areas at any time or for any reason, vehicles entering those areas are only permitted to off load deliveries.
Welfare Facilities
Toilets and washing facilities on site may be very basic, likely to be just a Portaloo in the early build stages, so please be aware of this when planning your visit.
Safety while you're on site
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
While on-site you must wear:
- Head protection
- Suitable footwear
- Hi-visibility jackets/vests
- Eye protection
- Gloves
- Ear defenders if there is working plant or equipment
You are not permitted to wear shorts on site.
Site signage
There is a lot of signage on any building site. Please familiarise yourself with it, and follow what it says. There will be areas that are marked ‘no entry’, and other places that are taped with clear walkways. This is for your safety – please do not ignore.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on site other than the designated smoking area.
Eating and Drinking
Eating and drinking is not permitted at any time on the working site. All consumption of food and drink must be done within the designated welfare facilities provided.
Drugs and Alcohol
The use of substance on site is strictly forbidden on site at any time.
Mobile Phones
The use of mobile phones in operational areas is not permitted. If you need to use a mobile phone whilst on site, you should make sure you are in a place of safety before doing so.
If there is an incident
Accidents and Incidents
Should you suffer any form of accident or incident during your visit (including near misses), please report it immediately to your host, who will record it in the accident book. It is only by reporting that we can learn from incidents and continually improve our safety systems.
On discovery of a fire, sound the alarm by breaking the nearest call point, which will activate a continuous ringing bell. Leave the building immediately and report to the assembly point, which will have been shown to you in your induction. Do not attempt to fight any fires unless you have been trained to do so.
First Aid
We have a number of fully trained first aiders located across the site. Medical welfare facilities are available to all visitors if required. There is a first aid room located in the operations office.
Should the need arise to evacuate a building during your visit a ringing bell will be heard. The following actions must be taken:
- Report immediately to the fire assembly area you will have been shown in your induction.
- Do not collect personal belongings.
- Ensure your host knows where you are.
- Follow any instructions given by fire officers or members of the incident response team.
And if you can't make it onto site...
We are very much expecting you to visit, although we understand that that’s not always possible. We are very happy to conduct virtual tours of your site, and give you a filmed walk-through as required. We’re also able to show you footage from upper levels if you’re not happy with ladders.
We will see you around soon, with your PPE on of course!
This article has been complied with help from Paul Venter of Osprey Health and Safety Services, who is working with us at Richards to ensure that our sites are as safe as possible for our team, subcontractors, members of the public, and of course our clients.