Why choose design & build?

We are in both
design & construction

And we think why should you have to hire two firms* when you can hire one that does everything?

*or, let's be honest, three or four

What is design & build?

Traditionally, house-building companies have tended to focus solely on either design or build, or possibly one of the ever-narrower sub-disciplines within either of these catch-all terms.

This often means you’ll need to hire multiple (three, four, five?!) different firms to manage each stage of the process. You need an architectural firm to draw up the design, a technician and quantity surveyor to get you through planning and a construction company or two to, you know, actually build the thing. If you split the construction into individual trades, the complexity increases even further, turning the whole thing into a plate-spinning act.

Design & build offers a superior solution: everything is handled under one roof. A design and build firm hires experts in every discipline, forming a cohesive team so you don’t have to juggle multiple companies. Your entire project is managed seamlessly by the same people, from concept to keys.

Sound like the way forward? You’re in luck – it just so happens we know exactly the right design and build firm for you.

At a glance

Why choose
design & build?


Eliminate oversights by getting all parties around the table from day one.

From architect’s plan to completed structure, the journey of a building often involves multiple handovers – architect, architectural technician, quantity surveyor and finally builder. There can be hiccups between each of these stages, where an architect doesn’t account for the client’s budget when creating a shiny and desirable feature of some kind – or the architectural technician struggles to adapt the design to something that obeys the laws of physics.

If the entire design and build of your project is carried out by a single company, however, then these collaboration issues simply don’t occur.

We involve the build team from day one and work with them continuously throughout the design phase to ensure that your wishes at the start make it all the way to the completed build.

Say goodbye to issues with planning permission and anything that breaks building regulations (or the laws of physics for that matter). Likewise, no more of those little oversights in design that have a habit of turning into big problems during construction (we’re looking at you, protected trees).

Put simply: buildable design from the start – a hallmark of our unified design & build process. 


Save money on inefficiencies (and on VAT).

Another issue that sometimes arises, as hinted above, is that the budget has flown out of the window, somewhere between the initial meeting and the final plans being presented to the builder. This leaves them trying to cut costs in hidden places to accommodate high-ticket items in others, and being ‘the bad guy’ who has to tell the client that there is an overspend.

Our process ensures that your budget is held in mind throughout, with suggestions made for design, style and materials being accommodated within that. The design can be adapted on-site to allow for the unexpected as our team is familiar with the entire project, in particular the aspects that were important to you from the start and that must be retained.

An extra bonus that you may not be aware of, is that if you opt for a full design and build service from a single company, the design stage is zero-rated for VAT, for a new build. You don’t have to sign up for both halves of the service immediately, but we can apply the zero VAT for the design side if you choose to go with us for the build phase. How much could that save you?


No more 'he said, she said'. Just one continuous flowing dialogue.

A third factor that can negatively impact your progress is communication, between client and professional. If you find yourself having to explain what you want to A, then B, then C, and possibly even D as well, then you could start to feel like you’re stuck in a loop, and no-one understands where you’ve come from.  

With a single business carrying out your entire project, you will have continuity of conversations. Your team will be aware of the design choices that you have made to get to this point so you won’t have to repeat yourself endlessly, saving time and stress. 


Stop endlessly auditioning contractors and put that time to better use.

And last but not least, your most important commodity: time.

Building a house is a long journey. And if you want to make it bearable, let alone successful, you are going to spend a decent chunk of that time finding the right architect. Someone who not only gets buildings but also gets you and your vision. 

And when you’ve finally found ‘the one’, you’ve then got to go through all that again when it’s time to find a quantity surveyor, a technician and finally a builder.

Or you could just work with us. And spend the time you save not having to go contractor speed dating on something more fun. After all, those kitchen tiles aren’t going to pick themselves. 

Knowledge Hub

Garden Design Top Tips for your newbuild home

It’s worth spending some time thinking about your garden really early on in the design and build process. Getting things in the plans before the construction team even gets on site can save you time, money and headaches later.

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